2 minutes
Test sentinel policies without leaving your IDE
Sentinel Mocker
sentimocker is an interactive CLI tool that can help with testing Sentinel policies. Sentinel is Hashicorp’s policy as code language.Testing sentinel policies locally while developing them requires downloading mock terraform plan data.This mock data can be downloaded from Terraform enterprise or Terraform cloud’s UI.It is a manual process of navigating to the right workspace then to the right run and clicking a button that downloads a tar.gz file. You can learn about testing Sentinel policies here
How can sentimocker be of help
The current approach of manually downloading mock files from Terraform UI breaks the flow of building and testing policies. Developers need to login to terraform cloud account in a browser then look for the download mock files button then untar the package.As a developer I know that all developers love their IDE and Terminal ecosystem it would improve their velocity if they could write and test sentinel policies without shifting focus to other systems.
How does sentimocker work
Sentimocker uses Hashicorp’s official golang SDK for terraform enterprise to make API calls to terraform cloud. In order to do this sentimocker needs an API token with appropriate permissions to talk to terraform cloud.
Where can I get it
You can find out about sentimocker here
Inputs & selections
API token : A bearer token from terraform cloud account
sentimocker interactively asks the user to choose from a list of options to get the right mock data for the right plan/run. It then unpacks the tar.gz file into /mocks directory Developers can then copy required files into test/ folder and edit mock files as per pass and fail criteria.
Known Issues
Sentimocker is written in a day as a helper tool when writing Sentinel policies.It is not throughly tested so some edge cases might fail. It is also not designed to be used in production environments.
If the organisation name or workspace name in your terraform cloud account contains the charecters “==>” sentimocker is going to have trouble parsing workspace ID. The code uses “==>” as a delimiter to find IDs ofobjects.
345 Words
2021-05-27 00:00 +0000